We want to hear from schools across the world
We're seeking 60 second videos that showcase innovative projects or ideas from your school.
1Form a team
Create a team who will identify and capture innovative practice from across your school.
2Identify your stories
Ensure each snapshot has a clear rationale, replicable process and highlights tangible outcomes.
3Gather your equipment
Ensure you have an appropriate HD camera, microphone, tripod and lighting for filming.
4Create a shooting schedule
Work with your students and staff to identify the best time to conduct your interviews and shoot examples of practice.
5Edit and submit
Edit your snapshot and submit.
What can the snapshot be about?
- Potential topics could include (but are not limited too) self directed learning, entrepreneurship, SDG implementation, digital pedagogies, student health & wellbeing, learning spaces, community engagement, authentic experiences/audiences, design & fabrication, passion projects, multi-age settings, MakerEd, inclusive learning, coding & robotics, parent engagement, professional learning, action research, global collaborations +++.
- We'd love to see students involved wherever feasible.
How should they be structured?
- Your snapshot should be no longer than 60 seconds long.
- Snapshots should start with a clear rationale of why the individual or group is engaging with the project.
- Include a brief explanation of the process so others can replicate.
- Highlight tangible outcomes as a result of this innovation.
- You could use a STAR framework when interviewing to get a more comprehensive response from the interviewees.
What should they look/feel like?- The example snapshots on this site should give you a sense of the possible look/feel for your video.
- Snapshots should be engaging, dynamic and highlight the passion of those involved.
- Videos should be comprised of interview style 'talking heads' (as per the example and detailed here) and B-roll of the innovation in action.
- Use authentic backdrops where possible.
- Shoot in widescreen HD (1080p or better).
- Capture HQ audio with a microphone.
- Do not include any text, video treatments or music. We will do these in post production.
Anything else we need to know?- Ensure you have signed parental/guardian permission before including any interviews, images or names of students. We'll only publish first names of students (unless otherwise instructed).
- If you capture more than one snapshot submit each as a seperate video.
The final product will be showcased by ISS through a variety of channels with special recognition given to all those who contributed.
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